Kathy Martin
email ~ kathy.martin@rsu4.org
(207) 375-4273
RSU #4
971 Gardiner Road
Wales, ME 04280
Kathy Martin
email ~ kathy.martin@rsu4.org
(207) 375-4273
RSU #4
971 Gardiner Road
Wales, ME 04280
RSU #4 takes seriously its obligation and responsibility to ensure students and employees are protected from discrimination and harassment. Anyone with a concern is encouraged to review the policies, procedures, and other materials linked on this page and to contact the Affirmative Action Officer/Title IX Coordinator immediately.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Regional School Unit #4 does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, ancestry or national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, or physical or mental disability in admission to, access to, treatment in or employment in its programs and activities.
Additional information regarding Affirmative Action and/or Title IX can be found in the relevant RSU #4 board policies. A copy of the district Affirmative Action Plan can be requested by contacting Michelle O'Connell, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. michelle.oconnell@rsu4.org
Inquiry and Complaint Procedure
Any person who believes that a student has been discriminated against or harassed on any of the aforementioned bases is encouraged to contact the school principal or the Affirmative Action/Title IX Officer. This includes instances in which a student may have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted.
Any employee who believes that he/she/they have been discriminated against or harassed on any of the aforementioned bases is encouraged to contact the school principal or the Affirmative Action/Title IX Officer. This includes instances in which an employee may have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted.
Kathy Martin Affirmative Action/Title IX Officer ~ 207-375-4273 ext.3 kathy.martin@rsu4.org
Marco Aliberti Oak Hill High School Principal ~ 207-375-7272 marco.aliberti@rsu4.org
Amy St. Pierre Oak Hill Middle School School Principal ~ 207-375-6961 amy.stpierre@rsu4.org
MaKayla Stevens Sabattus Primary School Principal ~ 207-375-4525 makayla.stevens@rsu4.org
Dustin Miles Carrie Ricker & Libby Tozier School Principal ~ 207-268-4136 dustin.miles@rsu4.org
Notice of Annual Training
Regional School Unit #4 conducts annual pieces of training for employees regarding Affirmative Action and Title IX regulations, policies, and procedures through Safe Schools.